Tea Partiers Take Over Stretch of Arizona-Mexico Border

August 16, 2010 05:06

Maricopa, Ariz., County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, pictured inset, speaks at a rally at which demonstrators attached flags on the border wall bearing messages in support of the state’s law to curb illegal immigration. – FOXNews.com



“We are going to force them to do it, because if they don’t, we will not stop screaming,” said former state Sen. Pam Gorman, one of 10 Republicans vying for an open congressional seat in north Phoenix. Gorman carried a handgun in a holster slung over her shoulder as she mingled with demonstrators.

Among those speaking at the rally Sunday was Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, known for his tough enforcement of immigration laws in Arizona’s most populous county. He said immigration enforcement goes far beyond the nation’s border and the Mexican Government should welcome U.S. border patrol or military forces to go after drug cartels south of the border.

“Don’t just say border enforcement, that’s a cop out,” he said. “Let’s say lock them up in the interior.”


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