The Livable Communities Act – the left’s plan to control your life

August 11, 2010 04:18

Masked with feel-good rhetoric and lofty concepts like “smart growth” and “sustainable development,” the Livable Communities Act is top-down central planning aimed at changing where we live and work and how we travel. It will be overseen by bureaucrats in the Environmental Protection Agency, Housing and Urban Development, and the Department of Transportation and implemented through local governments.

By Ed Braddy at American Thinker


“The Livable Communities Act exemplifies the progressive idea of strategic diminishment — success is measured by the reduction of certain outcomes from today’s standard. This is different than reducing outputs such as carbon emissions and pollutants, which are already declining and can be better addressed with affordable technologies rather than social engineering.”

“This quintessentially middle class version of the American Dream has long been derided by elites and environmentalists who recast suburbs as wasteful sprawl and liken automobile use to a destructive addiction. They want to de-legitimize this land use pattern, restrict automobile use and make suburban housing less affordable. The Livable Communities Act is thus a hammer in the progressive toolbox.”

“The threat to our mobility is but one aspect of the Livable Communities Act that deserves resistance. Property rights, private enterprise, and affordable homeownership are also threatened under this command-and-control legislation, despite the clever catchphrases that soften its message.”

FULL STORY By Ed Braddy at American Thinker

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