Doctors warning patients about Obamacare
A group of doctors that call themselves Docs4PatientCare is warning patients against the new Democrat election strategy of claiming they will fix the faults in Obamacare.
The president and co-founder of Docs4PatientCare , Hal Scherz, writes in the Wall Street Journal that they are taking the unprecedented step of giving patients a letter warning them not to be fooled by the Democrat election promise to ‘fix’ Obamacare.
The letter boldly states that Obamacare will effect doctor patient relations and the quality of care that can be provided as quoted from the WSJ article:
“Dear Patient: Section 1311 of the new health care legislation gives the U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services and her appointees the power to establish care guidelines that your doctor must abide by or face penalties and fines. In making doctors answerable in the federal bureaucracy this bill effectively makes them government employees and means that you and your doctor are no longer in charge of your health care decisions. This new law politicizes medicine and in my opinion destroys the sanctity of the doctor-patient relationship that makes the American health care system the best in the world.”
READ the FULL STORY at the Wall Street Journal
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