DREAM Act a Nightmare for America
Dream Act is amnesty for millions of illegals. Illegal aliens do not need to attend college or join the military to receive legal status, they simply need to affirm that they intend to do so during the next six years. In order to receive legal status, they do not need to show they are of “good moral character” and can be convicted criminals.
by Virgil Goode at Human Events
‘However, the DREAM Act is much more expansive than its supporters make it out to be, is filled with loopholes, and has a directly negative effect on young American citizens.’
‘So how many people will get the DREAM Act? 50,000 children? Millions of children? Actually, it will be available to millions of adults. ‘
‘However, the DREAM Act is much more expansive than it appears. Anyone up to the age of 35 who claims they came here before age 16 can apply for amnesty. Because illegal aliens are, as the media likes to call them, “undocumented,” anyone can claim to have come here before they were 16 and we have no way to make sure they are telling the truth.
In fact, illegal aliens do not need to attend college or join the military to receive legal status, they simply need to affirm that they intend to do so during the next six years. In order to receive legal status, they do not need to show they are of “good moral character” and can be convicted criminals.
There are many other loopholes, invitations to fraud, and troublesome provisions hidden into the DREAM Act such as repealing the ban on in-state tuition for illegal aliens. Those who receive amnesty can sponsor their family members who brought them to this country illegally.’
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