Herman Cain contemplating 2012 run

September 24, 2010 15:20

Though he may not be well-known on the national stage, the stage 4 cancer survivor and chairman of the Hermanator PAC is a star among the conservative grassroots. Activists who showed up to the Americans for Prosperity’s “Spending Revolt” bus tour this week didn’t hide their admiration.

By Alex Pappas – The Daily Caller


‘“They’re ready for a non-establishment candidate,” Cain, casually dressed in a blue shirt and slacks, said here in Florida during an interview Thursday after addressing an enthusiastic crowd at a “Spending Revolt” rally. “I will run proudly as a non-establishment candidate. I think the public has an appetite for a non-establishment candidate.”’

‘Cain hosts a daily radio show in Georgia and travels regularly with an aide to Tea Party events, where he’s cultivating a fan base. At one bus stop Thursday, a woman held up a “Cain 2012” sign. At another event, a woman wore a shirt with the same message.


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