Power grab on campus
New rule by DOEd to cause “all-out politicization of American higher education, endangering academic freedom, due process and First Amendment rights.”
Cal Thomas at WORLDmag.com
According to the Centennial Institute, a proposed new rule by the U.S. Department of Education (DOE) “would place private colleges and universities under the ultimate control of state governments, rather than independent accrediting agencies. The notice of proposed rulemaking was posted in the Federal Register on June 18 for a public comment period ending Aug. 2. It could take effect as soon as November.”
Armstrong says the attempt by the government to regulate curricula “is part of an unprecedented power grab in which government has already moved to dominate such industries as automobiles, energy, healthcare, banking, home loans, and student loans—and now seeks dominance over the colleges and universities themselves.”
It’s going to take more than one college president and two congressmen writing a letter to the secretary of education about this latest attempted government power grab. More members of Congress, other college presidents, and newspaper editorialists must express opposition to this attack on the right of educators to teach what they believe to be essential courses that will result in a properly educated student who is fit for the real world.
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