NPR to step up leftist propaganda at state level with new Soros donation
Just in time for the 2012 election cycle, NPR plans to launch its ‘Impact of Government’ program funded by George Soros’ Open Society Institute.
ELIZABETH JENSEN at The New York Times reported on October 17 that NPR received a $1.8 million grant from the Open Society Institute which is funded by George Soros. NPR plans to use some of the funds to hire at least 100 journalists in all 50 states.
Ms. Jensen reports that:
‘The project “creates capacity for local stations to hire reporters and to cover issues that matter that other places aren’t doing,” said Vivian Schiller, NPR’s president and chief executive. “Everything that we’re doing as relates to member stations comes down to two things: building local news capacity and making sure the content we create is available to all people across all platforms.”’
This ties right in with the Democracy Alliance (George Soros) funded Secretary of State Project which was put together to get loyal Democrats into positions of Secretary of State to be able to effect the outcome of close elections. Discover the describes the Secretary of State Project:
‘A project of the Democracy Alliance, the Secretary of State Project (SoSP) was established in July 2006 as an independent “527” organization devoted to helping Democrats get elected to the office of Secretary of State in selected swing, or battleground, states; these were states where the margin of victory in the 2004 presidential election (between George W. Bush and John Kerry) had been 120,000 votes or less.’
‘In addition to the aforementioned Michael Kieschnick, SoSP was co-founded by James Rucker (a former director of Political Action and Civic Action) and Becky Bond (a young woman who today is affiliated with Working Assets, US PIRG, and the New Organizing Institute). Said Bond: “Any serious commitment to wrestling control of the country from the Republican Party must include removing their political operatives from deciding who can vote and whose votes will count.”‘
The American Spectator article ‘SOS in Minnesota‘ showed just how much difference a few votes can make when the Democrat Secretary of State helped Al Franken steal the election.
American spectator points out several races effected by the Secretary of State Project:
“The strategic targeting of the SoS Project yielded impressive results this year and in 2006.
Days ago, SoS Project-backed Democrats Linda McCulloch (Montana), Natalie Tennant (West Virginia), Robin Carnahan (Missouri), and Kate Brown (Oregon) won their races. Only Carnahan was an incumbent. The Center for Public Integrity reported two months ago that the group had thus far raised a mere $280,000 for the 2008 election cycle.
Talk about return on investment!
In 2006, along with Minnesota’s Ritchie, SoS Project-endorsed Jennifer Brunner (Ohio), who last month defied federal law by refusing to take steps to verify 200,000 questionable voter registrations, trounced her opponent, 55% to 41%. Democrats supported by the group also won that year in New Mexico, Nevada, and Iowa. The group claims it spent about $500,000 in that election cycle.”
Now with NPR in his other pocket ‘creating’ news in all 50 states it Soros could easily have a national impact by tipping just a few races as he did with Al Franken. Franken’s opponent would have been the 60th vote needed to block Obamacare and several radical bills pushed through by the leftist dominated congress and President Obama.
In a 2008, pre-Election Day article assessing SoSP’s overall strategy, reported:
“In anticipation of a photo-finish presidential election, Democrats have built an administrative firewall designed to protect their electoral interests in five of the most important battleground states. The bulwark consists of control of secretary of state offices in five key states … With a Democrat now in charge of the[se] offices, which oversee and administer their state’s elections, the party is better positioned than in the previous elections to advance traditional Democratic interests —such as increasing voter registration and boosting turnout — rather than Republican priorities such as stamping out voter fraud. Perhaps more important, in those five states Democrats are now in a more advantageous position when it comes to the interpretation and administration of election law — a development that could benefit Barack Obama if any of those states are closely contested on Election Day.”
So its deja vu all over again. The Secretary of State Project can coordinate with NPR Impact of Government to really have an impact on the US government. In the end its the duped voters who think they make a difference.
– Michael Whipple, Editor 10-21-2010
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