‘Obama’s EPA a Growing Menace to Economy’ – Sen. Inhofe

October 13, 2010 06:54

EPA’s regulations are unrivaled in the harm they pose to America’s economy.  If we want to create jobs and compete economically with China, India, and other developing economies, this agenda must be stopped.

Senator Jim Inhofe at Human Events.com


As I explain in a new report, titled “EPA’s Anti-Industrial Policy: Threatening Jobs and America’s Manufacturing Base,” EPA’s regulations are unrivaled in the harm they pose to America’s economy.  The report focuses on four of EPA’s most egregiously anti-business proposals and how they will cost jobs and undermine America’s global competitiveness with China.

The respected economic consultancy, IHS-Global Insight, concluded that EPA’s boiler regulations threaten nearly 800,000 jobs.  The United Steel Workers Union (USW), which represents hundreds of thousands of workers, “in the most heavily-impacted industries, among them pulp & paper, steel, and rubber,” has taken note.  The USW believes the proposal “will be sufficient to imperil the operating status of many industrial plants.”

Communities also face new regulatory burdens from EPA’s pending ozone decision.

Unions for Jobs and the Environment (UJAE), an organization of 12 national and international labor unions, including the United Mine Workers, the Teamsters and the Sheet Metal Workers, thinks the ozone revision “would lead to significant job losses across the country during a period of high unemployment, due to the significant increase in the number of counties classified as nonattainment.”

According to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, EPA could be forced to regulate 260,000 office buildings; 150,000 warehouses; 92,000 health care facilities; 71,000 hotels and motels; 51,000 food service facilities; 37,000 churches and other places of worship, and 17,000 farms.

So what’s the net effect of these regulations on global warming?  EPA estimates that global mean temperature would be reduced by 0.006 to 0.0015 °C by 2100.”  That’s an amount so small it can’t be measured by a ground-based thermometer.

Of course reducing global warming is not the point.  As my report shows, EPA’s proposals have negligible environmental benefits.  Instead they are the vanguard of Obama anti-industrial policy agenda, which is pushing America’s manufacturing base overseas.


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