Obama’s special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan makes weird global warming claims says Sen. Inhofe.

October 25, 2010 05:41

For some, global warming is the sinister cause of every problem plaguing the world-even the conflict between India and Pakistan.

Sen. James Inhofe at Human Events


This misapprehension has apparently taken hold of Richard Holbrooke, President Obama’s special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan. According to Bob Woodward’s new book, Obama’s Wars, Holbrooke believes there is a “global warming dimension” of the India-Pakistan conflict.??”In one discussion about the tensions between Pakistan and India,” Woodward wrote, “Holbrooke introduced a new angle. ‘There’s a global-warming dimension of this struggle, Mr. President,’ he said.”??Woodward wrote that Holbrooke’s “words baffled many in the room.” It’s not hard to see why.

“??Woodward reported that attendees were incredulous. “After the meeting,” Woodward wrote, “there were several versions of one question: Was Holbrooke kidding? He was not. Holbrooke subsequently detailed his concerns in a written report.

Even more troubling is Holbrooke’s apparent acceptance of the notion that global warming poses national security threats, requiring the imposition of energy rationing schemes such as cap-and-trade, at home and abroad, to alleviate international conflict.

But those schemes, as even the Environmental Protection Agency has confirmed, would do little to affect climate or Earth’s temperature, and therefore would be of no consequence in international relations.??What they would do is harm America’s economy through, among other things, higher costs for energy, food, and other consumer goods, more dependence on foreign oil, and further decline of our manufacturing base.

That, not global warming, is the real national security threat.


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