Peasants with Pitchforks will Dance on Government’s Grave
It is really hard to overestimate the problems this country faces. Virtually all result from government involvement, ineptness and corruption.
by Monty Pelerin
It is really hard to overestimate the problems this country faces. Virtually all result from government involvement, ineptness and corruption.
The cat has now escaped from the bag regarding what I have termed “the myth of government” (the belief that government can solve all/any problems). People now are beginning to understand the problem as the fraud of government. Increasingly it is recognized that government is both cause and perpetuation of the economic mess.
As economic conditions deteriorate (make no mistake, they will and once the collapse starts it will be both rapid and devastating), there is reason to fear for the future of the country. People are angry and becoming more so by the day.
An excellent column by Charles Hugh Smith, entitled The Loss of Trust and the Great Unraveling To Come , describes the apparent ignorance of the ruling elite:
The political class and Standard-Issue Punditry (SIP) don’t “get it”: Americans have completely lost faith in their Financial Elites and government, for abundantly obvious reasons.
He details the harm done to the citizenry to save the financial class and the harm being imposed on the rest of the world. It is truly shocking to see these activities summarized neatly in one place and so succinctly. If you thought we were unpopular with the rest of the world because of our previous Cowboy president, you ain’t seen nothing yet!
The Federal Government is beyond repair. It is worse than a Ponzi scheme at this point. It is dead-man walking, desperately trying to extend its existence. Instead of mercifully dying, it is going to destroy this economy and likely the world economy. It is a hopeless exercise that will only make matters much worse for you, me and the rest of the world. Government cannot survive this self-imposed death sentence.
As Mr. Smith stated:
[The citizens] have already lost trust in the Federal government and the political lapdogs who occupy the seats of power. The Great Unraveling has just begun, and there is much more to come.
Batten down the hatches! Pray that the economic and civil destruction is short-lived, that we don’t trigger a world war and that our government does not deteriorate into totalitarian rule.
Whatever you do, don’t get between a politician and the peasants with pitchforks.
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