How Much Does George Soros Control?

November 11, 2010 12:17

You need to get everyone you know to learn all about George Soros, his supporters and groups and his plan for America.

Use these links to learn more:

The Hidden Soros Agenda: Drugs, Money, the Media, and Political Power

Soros-Funded Documentary Embraces Left-Wing Terrorists Who Plotted To Kill Republicans

Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute

Secondary or Indirect Affiliates of the George Soros Network

All the News That Fits Soros’ Agenda

GOP Ready to Probe NPR’s Federal Funding

CAIR complaint leads to NPR firing Williams

NPR to step up leftist propaganda at state level with new Soros donation

NPR fires Juan Williams for Fox commentary less than a week after getting a million plus donation from a Soros group

‘Spooky dude’ George Soros goes after FOX News and Glenn Beck

George Soros’ Millions Buying ‘Political Reporters’ for NPR

The Senator From Soros -the Feingold fiasco

The Soros Connection in the Minnesota Senate Race Vote Count

George Soros’ Millions Buying ‘Political Reporters’ for NPR

The Soros Web and the Spiders Within

George Soros


Organizations Funded Directly by George Soros and his Open Society Institute Secondary or Indirect Affiliates of the George Soros Network

Center for American Progress

NPR CEO Vivian Schiller Key Architect of FCC Govt Takeover of the News

Read about Free Press

All the News That Fits Soros’ Agenda

NPR to step up leftist propaganda at state level with new Soros donation

‘Spooky dude’ George Soros goes after FOX News and Glenn Beck

George Soros’ Millions Buying ‘Political Reporters’ for NPR

Soros-funded group urges media run by government

Marxist media group hides lobbying efforts, FCC connections

Net ‘Neutrality’ and the destruction of free speech

The Neomarxist who is helping to influence Obama’s media policy

Leftist groups want FCC to police hate speech on talk radio, cable news networks as a way to censor free speech

Congress about to limit political speech of bloggers?

The end of free speech in America – that is Obama’s change!

Did They Really Think We Wouldn’t Fight to Keep the Internet Free?

Here comes the official propaganda channel -taxpayer funded

FCC Partners With Socialist Allies to Push Internet Takeover

Team Obama Keeps Pushing to Take Over the Internet

Danger at the FCC: More Government control through regulation without representation

Time for Government takeover of radio stations like Venezuela?

Could a Chavez-Style Media Crackdown Be Coming Our Way? – Bet on it!

Van Jones: self avowed communist and Obama staffer & other czars

In suggestions eerily similar to Chavez’s takeover of media, Mark Lloyd has pushed for reinstatement of the “fairness” doctrine and called for crippling taxes on privately owned media to fund “diversity” in media.

Venezuelans Protest as Chavez Closes Another TV Station

Obama’s FCC appointee Mark Lloyd praised Chavez for an “incredible democratic revolution.”

Saul Alinsky strategy was taught by Obama as a ‘community organizer’

How Obama Thinks – and why we are in deep doodoo

Barack Obama, Fabian Socialist

Saul Alinsky

Barack Obama – all you need to know

Understanding the roots of Obama’s rage

Soros/Obama/Democrat Connected “Veterans Group” Backs “Ground Zero Mosque”

Glenn Beck explains the Soros, Podesta, Obama, BP connections to oil, cap and trade, and money

Obama takes direction on spill from Soros funded think tank according to Wall Street Journal

Influence of the Tides Foundation is broad and international

Charitable Money Laundering For Democrats: The Tides Foundation


The Cult of Soros

Who’s Behind the Financial Crisis?

And here is a very cool map of Soros connections from Just double click the boxes to expand the connections.

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