Star Parker: Race and the 2010 elections

November 10, 2010 06:01

Will the NAACP be celebrating the arrival of two new black faces to the U.S. House of Representatives? Don’t hold your breath. They certainly will not. These two new black congressmen are Republicans.

Star Parker Star Parker at


There’s a powerful message here that should and must be digested.

We have arrived in post-racial America but establishment blacks – lodged in the political left – refuse to accept it and are doing all they can to get black citizens to refuse to accept it.

The sobering reality is that the black political establishment doesn’t want Dr. King’s dream. They don’t want an America where people are judged by the content of their character. They want an America that is Democrat and left wing and this is what they promote today under the banner of civil rights.

Tim Scott and Allen West, our new black Republican congressmen, are both aggressive and unapologetic voices for everything the Tea Party movement stands for.

They were just elected in districts that are overwhelmingly white. Both also defeated white Republican opponents in their primaries.

Who turned on the light after the presidential election that caused these white voters to discover that the man they voted for, to their horror according to the NAACP and Eugene Robinson, is black?

We hate racism because it denies that what is in a person’s mind and heart has nothing to do with the color of their skin.

Almost everyone in America today, Thank God, appreciates this truth.

When will the left wing black establishment wake up to it?


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