Tune In, Turnout, Turnover

November 1, 2010 12:54

A vote for any Democrat is a vote for a government autocracy that holds most Americans in complete contempt, and which will use unaccountable administrative bureaucrats and federal judges to run roughshod over the will of the American people.

Laura Hollis at Townhall.com


He painted himself as a healer, post-partisan, post-racial, inspired by his faith. Instead, he has proven to be a race-baiting ideologue, profoundly partisan and deliberately divisive.

Unlike Democrats of earlier decades who represented the interests of working class voters, or Ronald Reagan who appealed to their values, Obama displays nothing but disdain for the middle class, whom he views as dumb cows to be led into pens by the unaccountable elites he appoints. He has referred to police officers as “acting stupidly,” criticized rural Americans as “bitter” bigots who “cling to” their guns, and tried to characterize everyone who opposed his agenda as a part of a mindless, panicked mob, “hardwired not to think clearly.”

Obama also views himself as above the Constitution (which he has called a “flawed” document) and the rule of law, taking over GM, firing its CEO, and running roughshod over secured creditors, bankruptcy and contract law in the government’s dealings with the car companies.

In addition, Stupak and every other Democrat committed professional malpractice by voting for legislation that they had never read.

A vote for any Democrat is a vote in support of Nancy Pelosi and Harry Reid, their irresponsible and profligate spending binged, and their unconstitutional manipulation of the legislative process.

A vote for any Democrat is a vote for a government autocracy that holds most Americans in complete contempt, and which will use unaccountable administrative bureaucrats and federal judges to run roughshod over the will of the American people.


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