Exposing Un-American Activities
The liberal and conservative media had their heads in the sand. They couldn’t come to grips with the unprecedented prospect of a possible agent of influence for the international Marxist movement occupying the oval office.
By Cliff Kincaid | December 8, 2010
Dinesh D’Souza says in his new book that Barack Obama is an anti-colonialist. Stanley Kurtz has a new book, Radical-in-Chief, which says Obama is a socialist. The new book Dupes by Paul Kengor tells the unvarnished truth. And that’s because he makes use of material we started releasing back in February 0f 2008 about Obama’s communist mentor, Communist Party USA member Frank Marshall Davis. New Zeal blogger Trevor Loudon broke that story and we confirmed it.
I hate to say, “We told you so,” but Herbert Romerstein and I held a briefing in May of 2008 in Washington, D.C. releasing two reports, “Communism in Chicago and the Obama Connection,” and “Communism in Hawaii and the Obama Connection.” Then, in August of 2008, I released the 600-page FBI file on Frank Marshall Davis. The response from the media included Dana Milbank of the Washington Post making fun of us and Matt Drudge of the Drudge Report refusing to run paid advertising on the Obama-Davis connection.
The liberal and conservative media had their heads in the sand. They couldn’t come to grips with the unprecedented prospect of a possible agent of influence for the international Marxist movement occupying the oval office.
Herb Romerstein is a veteran congressional researcher and patriot who was ridiculed by Milbank as a “relic” of the anti-communist period. Kengor dedicates his book to Romerstein, the author of numerous books on Soviet espionage operations, describing him as a human Cold War archive. Thank God we have patriots like Herbert Romerstein.
Paul Kengor says that conservatives were reluctant to face up to the truth about Obama because they didn’t want to be accused of “McCarthyism” for raising the issue of his communist connections. The 600-page Kengor book includes the excerpts of the Davis FBI files that others have shied away from. Kengor, a professor at Grove City College, is not afraid to tackle the terrible truth. We need more like him in academia.
The difference between calling Obama an anti-colonialist, a socialist, or a Marxist mentored by a top operative of the CPUSA is that one category should immediately earn you an FBI investigation. Former FBI agent Max Noel says the Bureau used to investigate candidates for federal employment by analyzing Character, Associates, Reputation, and Loyalty to the United States. The first letters in those words make up the acronym CARL.
Obama could not have been elected president if he had been subjected to the CARL test. Leaving Davis aside – and he was on the FBI’s “security index” — Obama’s relationship with communist terrorists Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn was enough to disqualify him for the presidency. Photos of the Weather Underground bomb factory they abandoned in San Francisco in 1971 reveal these Cuban-trained terrorists were working on anti-personnel weapons, including stabbing devices, and had C-4 plastic explosive.
The big news today is that some of the people who have been supporting Obama from the start in Chicago are now under investigation by the FBI, suspected of providing support to foreign terrorist organizations in Latin America and the Middle East. This is a trail that could lead all the way to the White House.
Joe Iosbaker and Stephanie Weiner, who are husband and wife, had their homes and offices raided because of suspicions that they were providing support to foreign terrorist organizations. Both of them have been associated with the Marxist-Leninist Freedom Road Socialist Organization (FRSO) and the Chicago New Party that included Barack Obama.
FRSO is one of several U.S.-based communist groups affiliated with a global organization known as the International Communist Movement. Other American affiliates are the Communist Party USA, the Party for Socialism and Liberation, the Progressive Labor Party, and the Workers World Party.
Since 1992, the International Communist Movement has sponsored the International Communist Seminar (ICS), organized every year in Brussels, Belgium, and which “gathers parties and organizations which defend Marxism-Leninism and proletarian internationalism, and which oppose revisionism” About 150 organizations of Africa, Latin America, North America, Asia and Europe have participated in its sessions.
Despite what you hear or see from the major media, international communism is not dead.
The Van Jones Scandal
The hiring and firing of communist and 9/11 “truth” advocate Van Jones was another scandal that could have implicated Obama, but it was dropped when things became too close for comfort for the White House. A scandal that could have been bigger than Watergate was neatly avoided by throwing Van Jones under the bus.
We need to support the FBI’s investigations of U.S.-based Marxist groups. We cannot permit these investigations to be prematurely terminated, in the same way that the Russian spies with contacts in the Obama administration were ushered out of the U.S. less than two weeks after their arrests.
The difference between being supported by the CPUSA and just being against colonialism or supporting socialism is that the CPUSA was a pawn of Moscow that committed espionage against the United States. This is the party that supported the Hitler-Stalin Pact. Davis had denounced Richard Wright for “treason” for leaving and exposing the party.
This is why Obama covered up Frank’s identity. He knew that acknowledging the truth could destroy his political career. And it could still do so if the truth is examined.
The Cover-up
Obama decided not to say who Frank was. He could have named him, saying he was an old acquaintance picked as a mentor by his grandfather who had no effect on him. Instead, he acknowledged Frank’s influence but covered-up his full name, hoping nobody would notice and follow through. We did.
Some conservatives have belatedly discovered that Obama has socialist and anti-colonial views. But that is not even half the story. The most important part of the story remains to be investigated by the FBI and, hopefully, by a new House Internal Security Committee. Re-establishment of this committee will demonstrate that the new Congress means business and that it won’t resort to politics as usual and compromise.
All of this requires that the new Congress takes its responsibilities seriously, not only on fiscal issues, but on matters involving the national security and moral integrity of the United States. The liberals will raise a hue and cry, and some conservatives may balk, but it is mandatory and necessary to begin addressing what an old congressional committee used to call “un-American activities” at the highest levels of the U.S. Government.
Cliff Kincaid is the Editor of the AIM Report and can be reached at cliff.kincaid@aim.org Mr. Kincaid is a regular contributor to usACTIONnews.com
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