15 Things You Might Not Know About Starbucks

April 21, 2011 07:52

Now here comes the more unexpected or shocking news–McDonald’s customers are more loyal than customers at Starbucks.

By Dian L. Chu, EconMatters

Since Starbucks is the first brand to have 10 million fans on Facebook, here is some news that crossed my email in-box that Starbucks fans might find hard to believe.

Although Starbucks started a community website in early 2008, My Starbucks Idea, designed to collect suggestions and feedback from customers, there’s actually another web site–Starbucked.com–founded almost a decade earlier dedicated to oppose Starbucks and help Starbucks’ would-be rivals–independent coffee houses. Starbucked.com was founded in 1999 by a frustrated customer supposedly received very poor customer service at a Starbucks in Berkeley, California.

Now here comes the more unexpected or shocking news–McDonald’s customers are more loyal than customers at Starbucks.  Based on a recent consumer study by CustomersDNA, LLC, McDonald’s out-scored Starbucks and Dunkin’ Donuts with the most loyal coffee customers–62% of the visits by those that did not visit either Starbuck’s or Dunkin’ Donuts during the average month.

The same study found that ‘Die Hard Loyals’ account for less than half (41%) of Starbuck’s customer, while Starbucks’ fast-food-turned-coffee-chain rival Dunkin’ Donuts’ did not fare that much better either — about 42% of Dunkin’ customers were ‘Die Hard Loyals’.

Despite these interesting tip bits, it is still quite a feat for a single store coffee house started out in Seattle, WA to have evolved into the largest coffeehouse company in the world in the past 30 years, and this cool infographic below should lead you down the memory lane to find out more that you might not know about Starbucks.

By the way, don’t forget to stop by Starbucks with a reusable mug or tumbler on Earth Day April 22 for a free cup of coffee.

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