Alien vs predator – With Obama, Looks Can Be Deceiving

May 11, 2011 06:00

[M]ost people on the left choose denial, if not outright delusion.  Why?  Because, unlike conservatives, progressives don’t just carry beliefs; they are their beliefs. Their ideology is their identity.

By Robin of Berkeley at American Thinker


It’s a sixth sense, a gut reaction.  It may take the form of queasiness when we’re around the person or a sensation of being creeped out.

Sometimes the evidence is out-in-the-open, and yet people still turn away.  For instance, what did we know from the get-go about Obama?  We knew that he attended a Black Liberation Theology church for almost 20 years, and that his spiritual advisor, Rev. Wright bellowed, “G_d damn  America.”  We knew that Obama had close ties to revolutionaries, including Bill Ayers.

But sometimes people will only see what they want to see because the alternative is too disruptive.

Moreover, it can feel devastating to realize that one is wrong, whether about a mate or our choice of doctor or our pick for President.  If we can’t trust our own judgment, what can we trust?

Denial is rooted in the avoidance of truth because it would feel devastating.

Why?  Because, unlike conservatives, progressives don’t just carry beliefs; they are their beliefs.  Their ideology is their identity.

And stripped of this, what would they have left?  Nothing, emptiness, being lost in an unfathomable universe.  This is precisely why people create alternative realities…because the real one is too unbearable.


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