GOP Finds Its Voice – with a Texas accent

June 21, 2011 08:33

“That mix of arrogance and audacity that guides the Obama administration is an affront to every freedom-loving American and a threat to every private sector job in this country.” – Texas Gov. Rick Perry

IBD Editorials


Texas Gov. Rick Perry, addressing a New Orleans Republican conference Saturday, made defeating the president look close to effortless. All he did was recite his record and restate Reaganesque values.

In a single speech, Perry made all the hand-wringing and soul-searching among fellow members of his party in regard to the 2012 nomination look childish and self-absorbed.

“I’ve distilled my economic agenda to what I consider to be some pretty simple guiding principles,” Perry said. “Number one is don’t spend all the money. Number two is keep the taxes low and under control. Three is have regulations that are fair and predictable so that business owners know what to expect from one quarter to the next.

“And number four is reform the legal system so that frivolous lawsuits don’t paralyze employers that are trying to create real wealth.”


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