U.N. Group Calls for Abortion as Human Right for 10-Year-Olds, Decriminalization of Prostitution for Youth

July 28, 2011 06:39

The U.N.-affiliated group also issued what U.N. analysts say is a call for the decriminalization of prostitution and drug use, and for “confidentiality” in health-care services for youth.

By Tierney Smith at CNSNews.com


The “Joint Youth Statement on the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Young People” was released in preparation for the U.N. Youth Conference, which began Wednesday in New York.

“In order to fully recognize young people’s sexual and reproductive rights, especially the right to choose, we must achieve universal access to safe and youth-friendly sexual and reproductive health care services, including access to evidence-based comprehensive sexuality education, in formal and non-formal settings,” the document states.

The phrase “reproductive health care services” is shorthand for abortion, which the statement further underscores.

“Young women’s health is threatened by policies and services that do not provide life-saving access to family planning and contraception,” the Y-PEER document said. “It is vital to implement key effective measures in the continuum of care for maternal health, including access to safe abortion.”

It further stated: “The rights of marginalized young people, including those who are living with HIV, Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered, young men who have sex with men, sex workers, injecting drug users, disabled youth, young people in crisis situations and other vulnerable youth continue to be violated through policies and programmes that criminalize them and ignore their specific needs.”


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