Hezb’allah Cells Active Worldwide, Including in U.S.
These cells, through collaboration with drug cartels, have infiltrated Latin America and have even set up shop in Mexico, from where, in a coordinated effort, they are infiltrating the United States.
By Reza Kahlili at American Thinker
The cells are already infiltrating the United States with the help of Venezuela’s Hugo Chávez and drug cartels.
Their mission, Babai said, is to help create an Islam-dominated world.
“Our fighters are present in all five continents of the world and will fight against imperialism everywhere,” Azghadi added.
Azghadi said it is the duty of Iran, “the center of the religious fighters worldwide,” to export revolution. “As our Imam [the founder of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini] declared, we must destroy Israel and free Jerusalem. We must take our fight into the heart of Europe, America, Africa, Asia … and just as we helped with the Islamic movement in Lebanon and Gaza, soon there will be an Islamic Republic in Egypt.”
They have successfully placed many cells in Europe and, through ties with the Hugo Chávez government in Venezuela, have placed hundreds of Quds Force members along with Hezb’allah terrorists in front companies in Venezuela. Iran has set up an explosives lab in Venezuela for its cells with the knowledge of the Chávez government.
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