The Next 9/11 — A Nuclear One?

September 12, 2011 08:18

On the same day the 9/11 Commission issued its report, another commission issued a report on a threat that could change our world and way of life in ways we can scarcely imagine. It is a real and credible threat, and it is largely being ignored. – IBD

IBD Editorials


Imagine an Iranian nuclear device detonating high over the American heartland. They’re working on it.

The threat is a phenomenon known as electromagnetic pulse, or EMP, and demonstrates why the issue of homeland security extends beyond the need for body scanners or taking our shoes off at the airport. It’s why ignoring Iran is dangerous and why a robust national missile defense should be of the highest priority.

It is a scenario worthy of Hollywood, but it is a frighteningly real possibility. A solitary ballistic missile, perhaps an ICBM launched by a decaying North Korean regime or an Iranian mullah, or a terrorist Scud launched from a ship off the Atlantic Coast carrying the first Islamic nuke, detonates its warhead 25 to 300 miles above the U.S. mainland.

Nobody is harmed or killed immediately by the blast. But life in America, the world’s only superpower and largest economy, comes to a screeching halt as a country dependent on 21st-century technology regresses almost a century instantaneously.


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