NASA manipulates records to support warming
GISS has invented some new corrections to heat the Arctic. There is nothing suspicious about records which show a lot of Arctic warming prior to 1940. It is well documented.
GISS has invented some new corrections to heat the Arctic. Until a few weeks ago, Reykjavik, Iceland looked like the graph below, with the 1930s and 1940s warmer than the present :
Now it looks like this, with the 1930s and 1940s much cooler than the present.
The new technique is called “removing suspicious records” – i.e any record which doesn’t support his theory.
Hansen seems to have adopted a general strategy of warming the present by cooling the 1930s and 1940s.
There is nothing suspicious about records which show a lot of Arctic warming prior to 1940. It is well documented.
[See the rest here with documentation]
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