Romney Newtered in Florida – Gingrich 41%, Romney 32%
Romney is turning up the heat on Gingrich after his embarrassing loss in South Carolina. Going negative did not work for Gingrich. Even Romney acknowledged that it was Newt’s attack on the debate moderator, CNN’s John King and his pit bull bites at Obama that propelled Gingrich over the top in SC.
But Romney is peeved. You can see it in his face today on interviews. He is pulling out the stops calling Gingrich a lobbyist for the past fifteen years and sicking the Romney attack dog Chris Christie on him also.
Rasmussen’s latest poll has Gingrich on top in Florida 41 – 32 although as many as a third of Florida voters have already cast their votes by absentee ballot.
From Rasmussen:
“Less than two weeks ago, Mitt Romney had a 22-point lead in Florida, but that’s ancient history in the race for the Republican presidential nomination. Following his big win in South Carolina on Saturday, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich now is on top in Florida by nine.
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Florida Republican Primary Voters, taken Sunday evening, finds Gingrich earning 41% of the vote with Romney in second at 32%. Former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum runs third with 11%, while Texas Congressman Ron Paul attracts support from eight percent (8%). Nine percent (9%) remain undecided.(To see survey question wording, click here).
Florida allows early voting, and Romney leads among those voters by 11 points. Gingrich leads by 12 among those who have not yet voted. Fourteen percent (14%) have already cast their vote.
One-in-three (32%) say they still could change their minds before they vote in the January 31 primary.”
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