Exposing MSM Tricks on Unemployment and Presidential Polling

February 7, 2012 06:02

This pollster has displayed an interesting habit of surveying far more Democrats than Republicans, which — surprise! — produces favorable data for Democrats. Rather than be held to account for their questionable methods, WaPo/ABC has simply decided to hide their methodology from the public altogether. – Townhall.com

Guy Benson, Political Editor, Townhall.com


Although the headlines were uniformly positive, reality isn’t quite as cheery.  Leftist Paul Krugman notes that long-term unemployment remains historically persistent, the U-6 “real” unemployment rate still floats above 15 percent, and — most distressingly — the labor force continues to contract.


by the Obama administration’s own projections (which were used to sell the stimulus to anxious Americans in 2009), the unemployment rate should be more than two percentage points lower than today’s 8.3 percent:


Right on cue, the latest Washington Post/ABC News poll purports to show Obama hitting the magic 50 percent mark and leading Mitt Romney in head-to-head general election contest.  Celebrate good times, Democrats!  Except…the poll is “worthless,” according to Hot Air’s Ed Morrissey.


Rather than be held to account for their questionable methods,  WaPo/ABC has simply decided to hide their methodology from the public altogether.


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