Judiciary’s war on religious freedom continues
New York schools kick churches out. Heavenly Visions has met in I.S. 52 for 12 years now, most recently paying the New York City Department of Education almost $10,000 per year for the privilege. Soon, unless others overrule the educrat edict, many churches will be homeless and many schools will be poorer. – World Magazine
Tiffany Owens at World Magazine
The Bronx is where the battle between churches and secularists came to a legal head. For 16 years the Bronx Household of Faith and New York City officials fought over religious groups’ use of public space. In 2002, a judge ruled that churches had a First Amendment right to meet inside public schools, but last year a federal appeals court ruled the ban legal. Six months later, the Supreme Court refused to hear an appeal, and the city issued the Feb. 12 move-out deadline.
The court outcome looks to hurt both church and state. New York state Education Commissioner John King recently reported that some schools are in dire straits, facing insolvency. The Board of Regents says districts are in line to spend $80 billion but are receiving only $62 billion from local, state, and federal sources. Collateral damage is also likely: Eliminating the income from renting to religious organizations means fewer jobs for custodians and guards.
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