Canadians Protest Wind Power Subsidies That Raise Rates

April 5, 2012 04:20

“unbridled and unnecessary development” of wind power projects throughout Ontario, “which is altering rural communities, causing power bills to rise dramatically, and even causing some people to become ill from exposure to the environmental noise.”


By Agence France-Presse at Industry Week


Hundreds of Canadians demonstrated on Tuesday calling for an end to subsidies for wind power, saying noise from colossal turbines is making some people sick and driving down rural property prices.


“People can’t sleep at night, they get headaches, nauseous and dizzy,” she said.

Others lamented premiums paid for wind and solar energy, saying Ontario’s feed-in-tariff program, which led to thousands of small rooftop solar installations and large wind farms to pop up across the province, is driving up energy costs.


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