Constitutional Republic or Dictatorship?
At some point Obama will be gone. But the restrictions that prevented such behavior have been seriously weakened. How long is it before someone worse than Obama ascends to power and finishes the job, transforming the US into a totalitarian state?
By Monty Pelerin
There is little doubt among Obama opponents regarding where he wants to take this country. It is away from a Constitutional Republic and toward a highly centralized, heavily controlled State. Some have even spoken of totalitarianism as, if not his immediate goal, the ultimate goal.
We have heard him proclaim that he cannot wait on Congress so he will move without them. Initially he has demonstrated that with executive orders which depend upon no one but himself. Recently he has admonished, if not threatened, the Supreme Court regarding their review of the constitutionality of the ill-conceived and unworkable ObamaCare.
Freedoms and privacy issues of all types are being infringed. John Rubino, in a recent article, expressed his concerns (my emboldening added):
Pretty soon the US will have the ability to capture every signal flowing in, out, and within the country, store it all, break whatever encryption protects it, and mine it for any sign of dissent. And it’s all being done for our own good, to protect us from enemies that mean us harm.
Suddenly the flash mobs that use social media to stay one step ahead of local riot police look a lot more amateurish and less formidable.
Many questions are unanswered here, mostly centering on how the government is getting away with this. Not so long ago a wiretap took a warrant, signed by a judge and attested to by law enforcement officers who claimed constitutionally valid probable cause. How did the NSA suddenly acquire the power to spy at will on all US citizens, and why isn’t it front page news like the debate over the government’s ability to force citizens to buy health insurance?
Combine the above with the recent defense bill that gave the military the right to detain and even kill American citizens who are “suspected” of a connection to terrorism and, as the former NSA guy says, we have all the necessary pieces for a dystopia right out of Fahrenheit 451 or 1984. Happy birthday, Big Brother!
Where and how does this end? History is short of examples where movements like these are turned back.
A recent editorial by Investor’s Business Daily entitled Is Obama ‘Dangerously Close To Totalitarianism’? explored some of these issues.
At some point Obama will be gone. But the restrictions that prevented such behavior have been seriously weakened. How long is it before someone worse than Obama ascends to power and finishes the job, transforming the US into a totalitarian state?
“Monty Pelerin” is a pseudonym derived from The Mont Pelerin Society. The writer has no connection with the Society (other than coincidence of philosophy). Nothing said by me should be considered to be representative of the views of the Mont Pelerin Society or any of its members. “Monty Pelerin” blogs at Monty Pelerin’s World
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