Obama tells lie as big as a pipeline to union supporters
Keystone XL is the most shovel-ready project in history. For Obama to tell the AFL-CIO Building and Trades Department that he is for job creation while blocking it is one of the greatest lies ever told. – IBD Editorials
From IBD Editorials
“For America’s skilled craft construction professionals, any discussion of the Keystone XL project begins and ends with one word: JOBS,” Mark Ayers, past head of the group, wrote in the Huffington Post last November. He noted that “the Keystone pipeline represents the prospect for 20,000 immediate jobs, and as many as 500,000 indirect jobs via a strong economic multiplier effect.”
Ayers added that “roughly 14% of the American construction workforce is unemployed,” a number “significantly higher” than the national average, which has remained above 8% for 38 straight months, a post-Depression record.
A number of unions, a major part of the Democratic base, are backing the project, including the International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers, the International Union of Operating Engineers, the Teamsters, the Laborers’ International Union, the Building and Construction Trades Department of the AFL-CIO, and the United Association of Plumbers and Pipefitters for the United States and Canada.
They want the jobs, not the campaign rhetoric.
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