Rep. Mike Kelly trashes Obama Anti-Business Policies
Kelly produced 1,100 pages that the government uses to determine who is a qualified borrower now. “Are you kidding me,” a frustrated Kelly asked. “Do you mean to sit here and say that you are serious?”
Rep. Mike Kelly drove the members of the House of Representatives to their feet on Friday with a stirring speech in defense of small business owners and the bureaucracy they have to deal with. In the speech, Kelly took on the state and federal regulations which impede businesses from forming and expanding. When he was finished, Kelly’s colleagues cheered and chanted “U.S.A, U.S.A” in a rare display of patriotism in the House.
“Let me tell you what it’s like to be in the real world and not in the Beltway,” Kelly began. He went on to describe the difficulties of running the auto body business his father began in 1953.
Kelly described how the costs of various colors of tape was going through the roof — but red tape, he says, costs the American economy $1.75 trillion.
Kelly produced 1,100 pages that the government uses to determine who is a qualified borrower now. “Are you kidding me,” a frustrated Kelly asked. “Do you mean to sit here and say that you are serious?”
Finally, Kelly described an incident where he was unable to get a local baseball park renovated because “the mirrors in the restrooms are a quarter of an inch too low.”
You want to talk about the thousands and thousands of pages that we put on the backs of job creators? You want to talk about creating jobs in America? when you want to see a nation that doesn’t want to participate but dominate the world market, than let them rise. Take the heavy boot off the throat of America’s jobs creators and let them breath.
Kelly’s speech was met with hoots and cheers from the members of the house.
“You want to have more revenues? Than let the tide rise for all boats,” said Kelly. “Let us be able to not only survive but to thrive.”
Editor’s note:
Ranting Against Big Government—But Voting for It
Posted by Tad DeHaven at Cato@Liberty
Drudge is currently linking to a Brietbart TV video titled “‘USA! USA!’ Congressman’s Anti-Big Government Rant Gets Standing Ovation on House Floor.” In it, Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) unleashes an oratorical blast against the stifling regulatory regime in Washington. It’s good stuff, but, unfortunately, Rep. Kelly’s anti-big government credentials are questionable.
The Pennsylvania freshman Republican is a member of the so-called “Tea Party Class.” His campaign website says the following:
America needs to have a business conversation. Along with many of his colleagues in the 2010 freshman class, Rep. Kelly has played a role in changing the debate from “How much do we grow government” to “How much do we shrink government.” If nothing else is accomplished in the 112th Congress, both sides of the aisle are now acknowledging that we cannot continue to bankrupt the future for our children and grandchildren. Mike has supported, voted for and co-sponsored a number of pieces of legislation that aim to reduce the size and scope of government. As long as he is serving the 3rd Congressional District, Mike will continue to be an unwavering voice for fiscal responsibility in Washington.
I’ve been trying to keep an eye on how the Republican freshmen are voting on bills and amendments to eliminate (or reauthorize) big government programs. On six recent votes, Kelly voted for big government every time:
- He voted against an amendment that would have terminated the Economic Development Administration.
- He voted against an amendment that would have defunded the Advanced Manufacturing Technology Consortia program, a new corporate welfare program requested by the Obama administration.
- He voted to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank.
- He voted against an amendment that would have terminated the Essential Air Service subsidy program.
- He voted against an amendment that would have shut down the Department of Energy’s Title 17 loan guarantee program—the program that gave birth to Solyndra.
- He voted against an amendment that would have terminated the Community Development Block Grant program.
So much for voting to “reduce the size and scope of government.”
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