Post Tagged with: "ACLU"

September 24, 2010 04:25

Communists to Be Welcomed at Progressive March

The mainstream media, however, can be expected not to highlight the fact that the Democratic Party and its constituency groups, which are running the rally, have made common cause with communist groups dedicated to the destruction of the American system and withdrawing U.S. military power from the Middle East in the face of global Islamic terror.

September 21, 2010 06:42

Public middle school takes kids to radical mosque

In late May of 2010, Wellesley, Massachusetts public middle school students took a field trip to the Islamic Society of Boston Cultural Center – a controversial Saudi-funded mega-mosque run by the Muslim American Society of Bostn. There, the students were separated by gender and the boys were asked to join the Muslim adults in their prayer. Several of the public school boys took part.

September 21, 2010 04:07

In New York, A Celebration That Gives Cause to Weep

the ACLU agenda hasn’t swerved one iota from Baldwin’s original blueprint for social anarchy – an agenda that aspires to, among other things: unrestricted access to unmonitored hard core pornography for all ages … the elimination of even the most basic codes of military conduct … the abolition of Christianity and Orthodox Judaism from every aspect of public education and every corner of the public square …the killing of preborn children … and, of course, the supreme elevation of the legal demands of those who practice homosexual behavior, including same-sex “marriage.”

August 6, 2010 08:39

New Obama civil rights zealot will use powers broadly

More erosion of our freedom by leftist tyranny. ‘ He is promising a huge increase in prosecution of alleged hate crimes. He vows to use “disparate impact theory” to pursue discrimination cases where there is no intent to discriminate but a difference in results, such as in test scores or mortgage lending, that Perez wants to change. He is even considering a crackdown on Web sites on the theory that the Internet is a “public accommodation” as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act.’- Washington Examiner

April 20, 2010 04:03

Montana excludes Christian group from voluntary employee charity contributions

Attorneys with the Alliance Defense Fund filed a lawsuit in federal court Thursday on behalf of the Montana Family Foundation, which was excluded from the Montana State Employee Charitable Giving Campaign even though other issue advocacy and religious groups were allowed to participate.

March 31, 2010 06:31

CIA says ACLU-backed plan endangered Gitmo officers

CIA interrogators face the risk of exposure to al Qaeda through inmates’ contacts with defense attorneys, according to U.S. officials.

March 8, 2010 05:20

ACLU Tells Obama: Keep 9/11 Trial in NY

Human rights groups criticized any move for a military trial, saying it would not provide the due process and openness needed to bring legitimacy.

March 8, 2010 04:59

Dems Advance Obama’s Nominee for Justice Department Post, Despite GOP Opposition to Her Pro-Abortion, Anti-War Views

Leftist radical Johnsen, a law professor at Indiana University, had to be re-nominated by President Barack Obama after the Senate failed to vote on her appointment before its winter recess. Her extremist views show just how radical the Obama agenda is.

February 11, 2010 12:29

Feds push for tracking cell phones

Obama administration has argued that warrantless tracking is permitted because Americans enjoy no “reasonable expectation of privacy” in their–or at least their cell phones’–whereabouts. “The government is arguing that based on precedents from the 1970s, any record held by a third party about us, no matter how invasively collected, is not protected by the Fourth Amendment.”