Post Tagged with: "ATF"

April 8, 2013 10:09

Police Militarization, Abuses of Power, and the Road to Impeachment

Given the Obama administration’s contempt for the Constitution and its broad definition of “domestic terrorists” to include pretty much anyone they don’t like, there is cause for genuine concern.

October 3, 2012 06:52

Katie Pavlich on Obama’s Lies and Cover-up of Fast and Furious

Katie Pavlich, who literally wrote the book on Operation Fast and Furious, delivered a very timely talk to the Accuracy in Media “ObamaNation: A Day of Truth,” conference on September 21st. It was the day after the Justice Department’s Inspector General issued a report on the scandalous gun walking operation that resulted in the death of Border Patrol agent Brian Terry, and ICE agent Jaime Zapata, plus hundreds of Mexicans.

October 2, 2012 05:26

Univision Takes on Obama’s Murderous Gun Scandal

Univision News aired a “bombshell” hour-long report on their investigation into Operation Fast and Furious, revealing brand new evidence of international weapons smuggling by the U.S. government. – The Blaze

July 31, 2012 12:20

Gun scandal shoots Obama campaign in the foot

Now the disastrous Fast and Furious gun smuggling operation by the ATF makes sense. We were one of the first sites to accuse Holder and the Obama administration of using the operation as political cover for its anti-gun policies.

June 21, 2012 07:41

2009 presser shows Obama complicit in gun scandal

Both Deputy AG David Ogden and DHS Sec. Napolitano spoke at a 2009 press conference which outlined the gun tracing program that Obama was pushing through the DOJ, ATF, and DEA. We reported this in July 2011.

May 7, 2012 04:29

Is Fast and Furious Obama’s Watergate?

It is a story of deception at the highest levels of our government. Both Holder and Napolitano exhibited memory lapses before a congressional committee. Both knew about a federal government authorized gun-running operation to Mexico called “Fast and Furious.”

April 19, 2012 11:42

Gun smuggler released three times in botched Fast and Furious operation

New questions arise in the Obama administrations scheme to push guns to Mexican drug cartels for political reasons. A gun trafficker was released three times by federal agents. He was even released after being in a shootout with a semi-automatic .45.

April 17, 2012 10:22

New book claims administration is Fast and Furiously lying about gun scandal

Katie Pavlich’s new book Fast and Furious chronicles the gun scandal set up by the Obama administration as political cover for bypassing congress with executive orders to establish gun control. The disastrous scheme turned bloody when the guns allowed to be smuggled by the DOJ turned up at the murder scene of a U.S. border agent and in the deaths of hundreds of Mexican citizens.

February 7, 2012 04:50

Wiretaps Prove DOJ Officals Knew of Gun Walking in Fast and Furious

Fourteen months since Border Patrol agent Brian Terry was killed by weapons from the ATF gun scandal. The Justice Department has provided only 8% of the documents requested by the Congressional Oversight committee investigating the scandal. Many of the documents they have provided are so redacted that they provide nothing.

February 2, 2012 09:21

Holder Must Come Clean On ‘Fast And Furious’ Scandal

It made no sense from a legal, law-enforcement or national security point of view. It bore all the marks of a White House political operation to sway U.S. public opinion in favor of gun control as the bodies piled up.