Post Tagged with: "border murder"

May 26, 2011 04:00

Danger on the Mexican Border

Obama’s mocking of border security rings very hollow to those who have to live near the continuing violence.

October 5, 2010 04:29

Evidence of an Insecure Border; Tunnels and a Dead American

Pirates killing Americans on a Texas lake and drug tunnels like whack-a moles make a mockery of claims by Obama and Napolitano about border security.

July 28, 2010 03:53

Border widow: Is Obama feeling her pain?

This is only a small sample of the devastation caused in Arizona and the other border states. The human toll is real. The economic toll is real. The violence is increasing. Drug and human trafficking and increasingly the smuggling of terrorists from Samalia and other terrorist supporting countries is a real danger not only to those in Arizona but to the entire US.

June 13, 2010 18:57

Pinal County Sheriff: Mexican drug cartels now control parts of Arizona

Pinal County investigators say an area known as the smuggling corridor now stretches from Mexico’s border to metro Phoenix. The area , once an area for family hiking and off road vehicles has government signs warning residents of the drug and human smugglers.

April 21, 2010 19:58

Democrats want Obama to blackmail Arizona over illegal immigration bill – they don’t live in southern AZ

Reps Gutierrez and Grijalva asked Obama to call for a veto, either by warning of federal pre-emption of the law itself or by threatening Arizona’s federal funding. What’s a little tyranny among Dems?

April 21, 2010 06:35

60% Increase in Number of Smuggling Tunnels at U.S.-Mexican Border – terrorist highway?

Couple that with the news that Iranian special forces are now in Latin America and we have a recipe for disaster.

April 21, 2010 05:02

Lieberman Call for Scrapping ‘Virtual Fence’

“The best answer to this continuing crisis and continued flow of illegal immigrants into the U.S. is to go back to the old-style fences, double- and triple-tiered, and layered.”

April 21, 2010 04:07

Arizona Sheriff Says Cops Are Being Killed by Illegal Aliens; Joins Call for U.S. Troops at Border

Law enforcement officials from the Arizona counties hardest hit by illegal immigration say they want U.S. troops to help secure the border, to prevent the deaths of more officers at the hands of criminals who enter the country illegally.

April 12, 2010 04:44

Obama Should Turn His Focus to Border Security — Now!

In light of the escalating violence we have seen on our southern border including, kidnapping, robbery and murder, it is imperative that our government take swift and permanent action to immediately secure our nation’s borders.

April 9, 2010 06:00

Terrorism on the rise in Mexican border towns – Obama to push amnesty?

As agents clear out Mexican gangs, more brutal ones move in – Drug cartels warn: ‘Shut up,’ or heads will roll. Sometimes, the heads are lined up neatly in rows, displayed along with banners designed to intimidate enemies, rivals and police.