Post Tagged with: "capitalism"

December 7, 2011 05:08

Obama says capitalism and liberty don’t work

In a pitch for National Socialism Obama abandons all pretext of a free and self reliant people guided by the Constitution. The US hasn’t been free and capitalist since 1913 when the Federal Reserve took over the money and since FDR brought in big government socialism.

December 7, 2011 05:08

Obama says capitalism and liberty don’t work

In a pitch for National Socialism Obama abandons all pretext of a free and self reliant people guided by the Constitution. The US hasn’t been free and capitalist since 1913 when the Federal Reserve took over the money and since FDR brought in big government socialism. Speaking in Kansas where Teddy Roosevelt advocated for socialism 101 years ago, President Obama argues against free markets, explaining that the founders concept of a capitalist society doesn’t work, and the risks of liberty […]

December 2, 2011 06:57

Smoke and Mirrors

It is time to tell our hypnotized fellow citizens to take the blinders off. Wake up! The house is on fire and the firemen are pouring gasoline on the flames.

November 8, 2011 07:38

Entrepreneurs cash in on Occupy movement

T-shirts, coffee mugs and other merchandise being offered on campsites that have sprung up in cities across country. Ray Agrinzone, a clothing designer, who launched and has received hateful tweets and emails, said: “There’s nothing wrong with turning a profit.” –

October 31, 2011 06:31

Capital Strike II

If Obama gets his way, America will regress into a third world country. I don’t care whether it’s a conspiratorial desire on his part, or whether he’s simply too stupid to see it. (I believe it’s the latter). Either way it’s wrong. Most Americans sense that Obama has led us down the wrong path, but nobody is yet saying the path we need to get on, and why. That path is private ownership of the means of production: Capitalism.

October 27, 2011 04:42

A Global Central Bank? Justice Is Not Served by Government Economic Planning

Calls for a supranational central bank and global economic regulation in the wake of the economic crisis are the sort of destructive policy prescriptions we get when people do not understand basic economics or the nature and role of the Federal Reserve and state intervention in the economy.

October 26, 2011 05:14

Former Soviet Union Citizen Confronts Socialists At Occupy Wall Street

A former citizen of the Soviet Union (USSR) confronts Occupy Wall Street protesters who are in favor of replacing capitalism with socialism.

October 20, 2011 08:01

Multi-billionaire Steve Jobs and Occupy Wall Street

Either Steve Jobs is among the worst of profit-seeking capitalists (even if he got rich largely without government privileges) — the worst 1% of the repugnant 1% — or he’s not. And if Steve Jobs is honored for the way his corporate juggernaut made life better for most of us, then so should Sam Walton be and for the same reason.

October 13, 2011 10:07

Occupy Wall Street: Communism’s Clueless Foot Soldiers

Americans better insist that Capitalism emerges stronger from this latest spate of organized anarchy. If not, Karl Marx and the foolish liberals will succeed in destroying what is left of the nation.

October 3, 2011 06:00

Free Markets, Not Redistribution, Is Best Way to Reduce Poverty

The so-called War on Poverty has failed. Making government bigger and creating more federal redistribution programs has been bad news for taxpayers. But the welfare state also has been a disaster for the less fortunate, creating a flypaper effect that makes it difficult for people to lead independent and self-reliant lives. This Center for Freedom and Prosperity Foundation video shows how the poverty rate was falling after World War II — but then stagnated once the federal government got involved.