Post Tagged with: "carbon trading"

September 7, 2010 05:00

Founder of The Weather Channel says sue Al Gore

John Coleman, the founder of The Weather channel, speaking at the International Conference on Climate Change suggests suing purveyors of carbon credits to expose the fraud of global warming. We say throw in the EPA and its a slam dunk.

August 15, 2010 05:42

Global warming lies, damn lies and easy rebuttals

Recently San Diego’s Lynceans group hosted a global warming debunking seminar in which several speakers highlighted effective debate tactics for global warming skeptics.

July 27, 2010 10:29

Carbon trading scheme passed in finance ‘reform’ bill

The reason Harry Reid doesn’t need to push cap and trade is that its already a done deal in the Dodd-Frank bill. Hidden in the 2,315 page monstrosity know as the Dodd-Frank bill, is language creating an ‘interagency group’ to study and support ‘CARBON MARKETS’.