The birthplace of Jesus is devoid of his presence this Christmas. Our Christian holiday has been publicly reduced to symbols of Santa Clause, bells and snowmen. Jesus cannot be found anywhere.
Post Tagged with: "Christian"
Attacks on Christmas are Just Battles in the War on Christianity
It’s time for Christians to realize that their religion is under attack and they had better start fighting to win the war for religious liberty in public opinion, in the courts, and in the schools.
Obama’s Munich Moment
[T]he Obama administration must recognize, as the French and British did in 1939, that hurt Muslim feelings have no more to do with radical Islamic hatred of the United States than mythical complaints about Germans under foreign rule had for Hitler; both were merely pretexts, excuses for aggression that would have taken place anyway. It also means that anti-Americanism in the Islamic world is going to get worse, not better …. By Marvin J. Folkertsma In September 1938 […]
Can the Islamic Faith Tolerate Criticism?
Can Islam tolerate other religions? Can it assert its truth claims in a religiously diverse world without resorting to violence? Can it do battle in the marketplace of ideas using words as its weapons, risking the criticism of those who disagree with its claims? Are its truth claims powerful enough to prevail without resorting to the sword?
Bishop E.W. Jackson Calls for Christian Exodus from Democrat Party
He points to the Democrat Party’s “cult-like devotion” to abortion; the rejection of the traditional biblical model of the family; the hostility hurled at those who express a Christian viewpoint such as Dan Cathy of Chick-Fil-A; the actions of Democrat organizations such as the ACLU and the Foundation For Freedom From Religion in suing cities and towns for displaying crosses at memorials or mentioning the name Jesus in prayer at official events.
Lethal Narcissism
I believe that the world is on the edge of an Islamic Armageddon because the fundamental teachings of Islam permit otherwise sane people to do insane things.
Anti-bully campaign bullies Christians – pushes gay agenda
Cussing the Bible as pro-bully the supposed anti-bully Dan Savage bullied Christians as some students walked out of his conference on bullying. The implication is that if you are not pro gay you are a bully. Painting all Christians as bullies is the latest in anti-Christian indoctrination in our schools.
Islamic Indoctrination in Textbooks
Political Correctness has a double standard when it comes to teaching about religion in public schools. Drop Christianity down the Memory Hole, but give extensive and mostly favorable coverage to Islam.
Obama silent on Sudan’s Muslim ethnic cleansing of Christians
The ethnic cleansing of over half a million Christians is only a first step. – American Thinker
Media Sees No Evil in Muslim Persecutions Against Christians
Murders, beheadings, burning churches, and genocide mark the bigoted treatment of Christians in Muslim dominated countries. Religious persecution is on the rise world wide.