Post Tagged with: "debt ceiling increase"

July 6, 2011 08:05

Senate Minority Leader – Greece is where we’re headed

“The president and his allies in congress don’t seem to get it.” Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell made the following remarks on the Senate floor Tuesday regarding the President’s request for a debt ceiling increase.

June 3, 2011 05:49

Rep. Jordan on “Cut, Cap and Balance”

Obama and the Democrats failed to pass any budget for two years. Congressman Jordon explains how the Cut, Cap and Balance plan will address the debt, allow the economy to grow and reduce spending.

May 11, 2011 04:58

Debt ceiling debate dance – talk is cheap

Judge Napolitano separates the facts from the fiction in the debate over raising the debt-ceiling and cutting spending.

May 10, 2011 09:43

Democrats “denial of reality on fiscal issues”

Bill Bennett interviews plain talking Sen. Marco Rubio on the radio.

May 10, 2011 06:45

National yard sale to fund the government?

Robert Murphy, of the Mises Institute, explains why the debt ceiling and default are separate issues and how government can pay its debts without stealing your money.

May 10, 2011 05:04

Proposition Twenty – an intervention for debtaholics

With Proposition 20 in effect, Congress would be faced with the choice of reducing federal expenditures without raising and spending more tax revenues; else selling off federal assets, another salutary result; or persuading the Fed to increase the value of the dollar.

March 30, 2011 04:56

Marco Rubio: Why I Won’t Vote to Raise the Debt Limit

As America’s debt now approaches its current $14.29 trillion limit, we are witnessing leadership failure of epic proportions.

March 26, 2011 09:29

What Needs To Be Said About What Needs To Be Done

This isn’t what we inherited from our parents and it isn’t what we should leave for our children.

February 22, 2011 05:43

Honey, I Blew Up the Debt Ceiling

My bank refused to up my limit. I explained to them that I needed to increase my credit limit so that I could keep spending. I pleaded that this was the only way that I’d ever be able to repay my debts – if I could keep borrowing more.

February 21, 2011 10:14

Debt-Limit Remedy Gives Fiscal Hawks Leverage

We have a fiscal crisis caused by too much spending, not too little taxes. Restraining the size and scope of government is contrary to the interests of the iron quadrangle of politicians, interest groups, lobbyists and bureaucrats who benefit from ever- expanding government.