Post Tagged with: "Democrats’ war on women"

November 8, 2012 08:29

Did GOP’s White Flag on Social Issues Cost the Election?

What we had unfortunately was a de facto truce on social issues on one side, but a full embrace of the war on social issues on the other side. Republicans had the truce, Obama had launched a war over abortion and on the Life issue, therefore he got to completely define what that issue was ..

September 5, 2012 06:18

Media Rehabilitate Clinton for DNC Appearance

“Only in Obama’s America would Bill Clinton, who employed Betsy Wright to handle ‘bimbo eruptions,’ used lawyers to intimidate women into signing phony affidavits to cover-up his despicable history of abusing women, including rape, be recast as the Democrat savior statesman to nominate Barack Obama for President of the United States at the Democratic National Convention.”

August 24, 2012 10:23

DNC Chair lies about abortion – ignores Obama support for infanticide

The media seldom mentions Obama’s extreme leftist pro-death position. Obama even supports infanticide for babies who survive abortions.

July 12, 2012 08:07

Women in trouble with Obama economy

The Obama campaign launched a new ad, saying that women are “troubled” with Mitt Romney. But the real trouble women are having in 2012 is with the Obama Economy.

May 25, 2012 08:49

Obama’s media hiding historic Catholic lawsuit against Obamacare

The leftist biased media remains silent on the historic lawsuit by 43 Catholic institutions against Obama administration’s war on religious freedom. Cardinal Dolan speaks out about the lack of cooperation with the Obama administration.

April 24, 2012 06:18

Obama’s War on Women

This devaluing of the role of mother and fulltime homemaker is imbedded in the psyche of the feminists who are major players in the Obama Administration. Don’t forget that when the feminists started their movement in the late 1960s and early 1970s, they called themselves the women’s liberation movement, i.e., their goal was to be liberated from home, husband, and children.

April 23, 2012 16:34

On Hope and Hate: Week One of Obama v. Romney

David Axelrod and the Obama reelection team unleashed the class-warfare cannons. … I loathe class hatred. Marx and the Bolsheviks and their disciples did it with great destruction. I don’t want it in my country.

April 19, 2012 03:50

Obama’s Real War on Women

Obama is waging the most divisive, dirtiest campaign because his record is such a failure there is nothing to run on. Mr. Hope and Change has become divide and conquer. Concerned Women for America put out this rebuttal of the Democrat myth helped along by the left-wing media of a “war on women.”

April 18, 2012 10:44

Krauthammer – campaign will be so dirty you have to shower several times a day

“The Democrats are running the most divisive campaign on race, on ethnicity, on class and on gender. I mean it’s going to be the dirtiest campaign you’ve ever seen. Hide the children and check the plumbing because you’re going to have to shower several times a day.” Warning of the dirtiest campaign ever, Krauthammer points out how Romney can turn the attacks to his advantage.

April 18, 2012 07:42

Women Should Get a Job!

Hillary Rosen’s comments reveal a certain hypocrisy when it comes to a woman’s “right to choose.” Her dismissive comments about Mrs. Romney indicate that the only value she assigns to women’s work is the dollar value determined by the marketplace.