Post Tagged with: "Department of Labor"

April 19, 2013 10:52

Radical Racist Is Latest Obama Labor Nominee

“His past record and present mismanagement, if not actual malfeasance, at the Justice Department should disqualify him from serious consideration for not only the job of Secretary of Labor, but for any position of responsibility in the U.S. government.” – More …..

August 30, 2011 04:35

Labor Secretary makes deals with foreign nations to protect illegals in US

Hilda Solis has made deals with Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Dominican Republic that “removes” the fear of deportation of illegals.

June 23, 2011 05:15

Obama Agencies Announce Massive Attack on American Job Creators

Obama’s pro union Labor Board pushes radical union agenda to bypass congress and create more Democrat supporting union dues.

June 2, 2011 06:32

Perpetuating Wasted Federal Spending on Education

The Obama Administration looks upon schools and colleges as giant reservoirs of young people who can be indoctrinated with “social justice” (i.e., America is somehow an oppressive, unjust society), multiculturalism instead of patriotism, and diversity in moral and immoral behaviors.

September 1, 2010 10:27

Obama labor dept. promoting illegal immigration and socialism

In effect we not only already have amnesty but we promote illegal immigration and socialist dictatorship.

June 22, 2010 04:38

Labor Secretary offers illegals confidential help in getting ‘fair’ wages in US

Obama’s DOL Secretary Hilda L. Solis: You Have the Right to Be Paid Fairly Whether Documented or Not – call us, we can help.

February 4, 2010 05:21

Union labor to trump cost on govt projects

In another underhanded move to pay off union supporters, the Obama administration is going to allow ‘preference’ to contractors and suppliers that match union benefits and wages. The “High Road Contracting Policy” would allow companies to win federal bids without being the low bidder if they are union or match all union benefits and labor rules.