Post Tagged with: "Egypt crisis"

July 3, 2013 06:40

Obama’s war of ideas are all wrong

For Obama it doesn’t matter whether the policy is harmful to US national security. It doesn’t matter if the Brotherhood slaughters Christians and Shi’ites and persecutes women and girls. It doesn’t matter if the Brotherhood’s governing incompetence transforms Egypt – and Tunisia, and Libya and etc., into hell on earth. As far as Obama is concerned, as long as he is true to his idea, his foreign policy is a success.

November 27, 2012 07:28

Obama’s Wrong Side of History

Unfortunately, if past experience in Iran is any guide, the Obama administration will align itself with the jihadist oppressors, rather than their anti-Islamist opponents. It will try to thwart any congressional effort to restrict further engagement with the Morsi regime, for example by cutting off or conditioning foreign aid and military sales.

September 11, 2012 18:35

Krauthammer: Tell Egyptian mob “go to hell”

Muslim mobs have attacked the American embassy in Cairo and in Libya. Reports are an American was killed in Libya. Supposedly upset by an internet video originating in the US the mobs have burned the American flag and stormed the walls of the embassy. The state department has issued a wishy washy statement apologizing for free speech in the US. I don’t ever remember them apologizing for any denigration of the Christian faith. Fox News reports mobs are continuing to grow.

Recently the anti-American Muslim Brotherhood came to power in Egypt in what was hoped would be an “Arab Spring” with a surge of Democracy. The Arab Spring has turned into a Muslim Brotherhood nightmare as radicals take over in Egypt, Libya and soon in Syria.

January 31, 2011 06:12

Obama’s 3 AM Moment

Obama’s 3 am moment has come. And gone. Obama was noticeably AWOL. America is now officially bereft of leadership, at least until the latest polls come in.