Post Tagged with: "entitlement costs"

March 21, 2013 16:19

Dems Call Higher Spending “Draconian Cuts!”

Under the Ryan budget, spending still rises in every category (except ObamaCare, which Ryan would keep flat at zero). Outlays are still going up, but in Washington, Democrats call these “draconian cuts.”

March 16, 2011 09:59

Dems plan on entitlement bankruptcy – fuhgeddaboudit

Eric Cantor on GOP courage to tackle entitlement reform and Obama’s lack of it.

April 7, 2010 03:55

‘We should raise taxes’ – Volker

United States should consider raising taxes to help bring deficits under control and may need to consider a European-style value-added tax, White House adviser Paul Volcker said on Tuesday.