Post Tagged with: "EPA water regulations"

January 7, 2013 07:16

Government of, by and for the activists

They all share the same goal: enrich and empower activists, bureaucrats and liberal politicians – while controlling and impoverishing the rest of us – all in the name of protecting the environment.

September 12, 2012 05:52

Government of, by and for the EPA

Instead of following laws and policies set by our elected representatives, EPA is now controlled by environmental ideologues, determined to impose their utopian ideas, via a massive and arrogant power grab. President Obama set the tone, with his promises to “bankrupt” coal and utility companies and “radically transform” our economy and society, and serves as the rogue agency’s cheerleader-in-chief.

February 3, 2011 07:48

First they came for our air, now they are coming after our water

Enviro wacko EPA Administrator Lisa Jackson claims regulating drinking water supply prevents kids from getting autism without any proof or science.