Post Tagged with: "financial reform bill"

November 17, 2010 13:31

The Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform & Consumer Protection Act of 2010: Is It Constitutional?

Dodd-Frank appears to require almost a dozen different federal agencies to complete between 240 to 540 new sets of rules, along with approximately 145 studies that will very likely affect rule making.

September 2, 2010 07:18

New details emerge in ethics probe of fundraising, vote on Wall Street bill – old details stay hidden

Crowley left during the Dec. 10 debate over amendments to the legislation in order to attend his holiday fundraiser at financial industry lobbyist Julie Domenick’s home, which is also her office. He then came back and voted against amendments that would have strengthened the bill, the New York Times reported.?

June 30, 2010 20:00

House passes egregious finance’reform’ bill despite warnings

Dodd-Frank is the product of a tired and discredited philosophy. Its the notion that you can solve a problem by reflexively piling vast new layers of bureaucracy, regulatory costs and taxes on it. Cost will be passed on to consumers and businesses. Call your senator and tell them to vote no!

June 30, 2010 19:42

The End of Community Banking

This is the ‘reform’ bill. Kill community banks and institutionalize bailouts for big banks and Wall Street. How long will you let the Democrats loot the taxpayers? Will it take the end of all private businesses to awaken the people?

June 29, 2010 05:40

Obama’s Wonderland Is No Fairy Tale

As we continue to tumble down the road to economic ruin, security vulnerability, and reduced health care benefits, things become “curiouser and curiouser.”

June 27, 2010 16:25

Judge Andrew Napolitano says financial reform bill unconstitutional

Chris Dodd on Financial Reform: “No one will know until this is actually in place how it works” ……..sounds like Nancy Pelosi on Health care, “you won’t know what’s in it until it’s passed.”

June 23, 2010 05:31

Finance Bill’s Devilish Details

The devil is in the details of the monstrous new regulatory package, which Democrats hope to pass early next month. They reveal plans to reallocate credit and capital to the Democrats’ political base, while empowering race racketeers like Acorn with slush funds and advisory board seats.

June 11, 2010 03:49

Bachus calls financial bill ‘TARP on steroids’

This financial bill is a nightmare. ‘There is going to be a tremendous loss of freedom.’ Call your legislator NOW!

May 29, 2010 10:54

The Inept Financial Reform Bill

Politicians who vote for it aren’t serious about fixing the U.S. banking system.

May 28, 2010 09:16

Has the SEC Charged the Right People with Securities Fraud?

It appears that the age of soft tyranny has ended, so be ready for more taxpayer-funded bailouts due to government-designed economic bubbles, based on unsound economic policy, and justified through social justice — all of which will be followed by major economic collapses.