Post Tagged with: "Florida senate race"

July 20, 2010 05:35

Flip flop Crist Uses His Old Party as a New Foil

Mr. Crist believes he has stumbled on a political sweet spot, amid polls showing voters are angry at incumbents and disenchanted with both political parties.

July 16, 2010 05:19

Only way to create jobs is cut taxes and spending

Marco Rubio, Republican Senate candidate in Florida is one of the new breed of candidates that recognizes the need to cut taxes to spur economic growth and cut spending to reduce the dangerous debt levels.

June 29, 2010 15:21

Class action lawsuit against Crist for campaign refunds

The lawsuit quotes Crist telling Fox News political news reporter Greta Van Susteren on March 9 that saying one thing and doing another is “perpetrating a fraud on people. … That’s not right. That’s not being honest and straightforward with the voters.”

June 24, 2010 05:00

Marco Rubio: “I’m Running Against Two Democrats- One Who Admits It Openly & One Who Doesn’t” (Video)

“Ultimately I am the only candidate in Florida that will stand up to this radical agenda.”

May 24, 2010 08:50

A desperate Crist turns to unions for campaign help

Crist shows he only cares about Charlie Crist as he reaches out to historically Democrat supporters in Florida’s senate race. “I want your help, I want your vote, I want your support, I want your endorsement and I am asking for it.” Crist tells the AFL-CIO. Union campaign support always means union payback from politicians.

April 20, 2010 03:40

GOP Official: ‘Zero Chance’ Florida Gov. Crist Runs in Primary

A national group that helps Republicans get elected to the Senate is pressuring GOP Gov. Charlie Crist to drop out of the Florida Senate race rather than run as an independent.

April 19, 2010 06:41

Teachers union pushes Crist veto of reform bill in Florida -campaign manager quits

Crist veto causes campaign chair to quit. “Your veto I believe undermines our education system in Florida and the principles for which I have always stood.” – Sen. connie Mack

March 14, 2010 14:42

The Conscience of a Florida Conservative – Marco Rubio

The would-be senator on his own political rise and how the Republican Party can show it deserves to govern again.

March 9, 2010 07:15

Marco Rubio and the Republicans who love him

People are scared by the Obama agenda. “I do not believe the president fully supports the free-enterprise system that I support,” Rubio says. Florida Republicans, Rubio believes, know in their hearts that Crist “is not going to go to Washington and stand up to this agenda and be part of offering an alternative — he’s just not going to do it.”