Post Tagged with: "homosexuals"

March 10, 2010 05:00

Five Myths about Same Sex ‘Marriage’

Those who oppose same-sex “marriage” are called by derogatory labels: bigot, narrow-minded, hate-filled among the nicest. Such name-calling obscures the very real problems associated with watering down and denigrating traditional marriage.

March 10, 2010 01:30

Threatening our liberties

Tony spoke in favor of current U.S. law. It’s a law that was passed overwhelmingly by a Democratic Congress and signed by a Democratic president (Bill Clinton). That law has been upheld in court. Tony’s position could hardly have been more mainstream. And he had no plans to discuss that law at his prayer luncheon talk. None of this mattered. He was banned all the same.

March 8, 2010 17:35

Senate Armed Services Chairman Did Not Know That Bill He is Sponsoring Would Legalize Bisexual Behavior in the Military-who are these clowns?

Senate Armed Services Chairman Carl Levin (D.-Mich.) did not know that a bill he is co-sponsoring with Sen. Joe Lieberman (I.-Conn.) to prohibit discrimination based on sexual orientation in the military would also legalize both homosexual and bisexual activity among military personnel.

March 4, 2010 06:58

Continuing their push with unpopular legislation, Democrats & Lieberman, Push Ending Ban on Gays in Military

A group of US Senators are introducing legislation to end a ban on gays serving openly in the military — a plan backed by President Barack Obama but opposed by some top brass. The current law, dubbed “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell,” calls for service members to be discharged if they disclose that they are homosexual.

March 4, 2010 05:33


AIM Report |  By Diana West  |  March 3, 2010 During President Obama’s State of the Union address, after he made a pitch for putting active and open homosexuals into the U.S. military, Defense Secretary Robert Gates could be observed rising to his feet and applauding the President. The members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, who were also in the audience, did not rise or clap. Later, Navy Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs, fell into line, […]

February 25, 2010 10:04

Unreal. Safe School’s Czar Given $410 Million To Promote Radical Sexual Agenda in US Schools

Despite the runaway federal spending and record budget deficits, Barack Obama is including $410 million in the 2011 budget for his “safe schools” czar Kevin Jennings. This is an increase of $45 million over last year’s budget. Obviously, some things are more important than others. These funds ought to buy a whole mess of fisting kits, leather bar guides and child porn books. And, the money will come in handy for the sexual indoctrination of teens and pre-teens.

February 24, 2010 05:06

Top Army and Air Force officers said Tuesday they would be reluctant to overturn a 17-year policy that prohibits gays from serving openly in the military

“I do have serious concerns about the impact of a repeal of the law on a force that is fully engaged in two wars and has been at war for eight and a half years,” Army Chief of Staff Gen. George Casey told Congress. “We just don’t know the impacts on readiness and military effectiveness.”

February 23, 2010 05:48

The Gay Infiltration of the Conservative Movement

Sorba said the negative reaction he got from some in the CPAC audience came from those in libertarian and pro-Ron Paul groups whose purpose is “to infiltrate the conservative movement and take it over from within.” He said that he received strong support after the event from traditional conservatives.

February 18, 2010 05:47

Don’t Change ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ by Ted Nugent

From what I have learned by spending time with military men and women serving our great nation and by spending time with many more veterans, our military is a well-oiled machine that is fueled by good order, discipline, morale and unit cohesion. Unlike our broken public school system and criminal justice system, our military is not a social experiment. Excellence is still the battle cry of warriors. Thank God.

February 16, 2010 06:37

Sen. Graham Wants Military Commanders’ Input On Whether Ending ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ Will Hurt Recruitment

“And if you do change it, how would it affect recruiting and retention?” said Graham. “And these are the things I think they will be studying for the next year. So, my view of it is, it has worked. And if you can show me a rational reason to change it – (from) the military commanders — I certainly will listen.”