Post Tagged with: "housing prices"

May 9, 2013 05:12

Hugely Negative Real Interest Rates Fuel Another Housing Bubble

Look for the Fed to keep doing the same thing over and over and over again.

October 18, 2012 05:59

Another ‘Bama Boondoggle – Over Half of Foreclosures Now ‘Repeats’

It is that delaying the inevitable makes the problem worse. Had these borrowers finished the foreclosure process the first time around, housing prices would have adjusted quicker and the housing market would have also been on the road to recovery quicker.

July 7, 2011 06:36

The Ripple Effect Of Declining Real Estate

The impact of a double dip, or continuation of Real Estate’s decline, could be more than just economic. It can bring investor/consumer confidence down. Declining confidence has been the downfall of many markets. – BI

June 16, 2011 07:27

Housing crash exceeds Great Depression

Using mortgages as a welfare program turned out to be long-lasting poison. [R]ather than the much-noted “double dip,” the housing crisis is actually in an alarmingly steady, though masked, free fall. – IBD

June 7, 2011 05:35

The Economic Perfect Storm That’s Killing Consumer Spending

Consumers, who are central to solid and sustained growth, are at the heart of the new worries. Their pullback is a big reason why the economy is slowing down, and it’s not just because of high gas prices.

June 1, 2011 04:51

Home Prices Plunge Despite $200B Push

Despite spending $220 billion to fix the struggling housing market, home prices continued to plunge in the first quarter, giving legitimacy to new reports that a record number of Americans are satisfied with renting.

May 20, 2011 05:08

Housing Prices Continue Downward

Housing prices dropped another 8% last year and are currently falling around 1% per month. The decline in the first quarter of 2011 was the fastest since the drop-offs experienced in 2008.

April 29, 2011 07:06

Underwater Mortgages a Threat to Recovery; Expect No More Than 3% Growth Until Housing Recovers

Should that be the case, the revenue projections of President Obama, Paul Ryan, and the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office are all hopelessly optimistic with obvious implications on the deficit, on interest on the national debt, and on long-term interest rates as well.

March 24, 2011 10:31

18 Reasons Why You Can Stick A Fork In The New Home Construction Industry

New home construction has always been one of the foundational pillars of the U.S. economy. When times were good new home construction would boom, and when times were bad new home construction would falter. Well, unfortunately the industry is stuck in the midst of a multi-year decline right now.

March 22, 2011 08:03

American Economy Takes Another Punishing One-Two Punch

A drop in home sales and less consumer spending due to rising gas prices belies government assurances that the economy is recovering.