Post Tagged with: "illegal border crossings"

June 21, 2013 07:48

ICYMI: Feds Have Built Only 32 Miles of 700 Mile Double-Border Fence Mandated by Congress in 2006

As Grouch Marx said “Who ya gonna believe, me or your own lyin’ eyes? As illegals continue to pour in, Lucy holds the football for the Charlie Brown Republicans. Sure we’ll secure the border, after you give amnesty to 11 million new socialist Democrat voters. LOL!

May 23, 2013 14:08

Gang of Eight Betrays (Legal) Americans

Gang of Eight’s claim to promote “immigrant integration” is a ruse to give taxpayers’ money to leftwing and Islamist activist groups such as CASA, La Raza, MALDEF, and CAIR.

May 6, 2013 07:49

Amnesty Bill is a Massive Multi-Million Dollar Fraud – Rubio Should Be Ashamed

“Illegal aliens will be rewarded for breaking laws for which American citizens are routinely punished,”

April 3, 2013 08:26

LOL: Schumer: Amnesty First, ‘Then We’ll Make Sure Border Is Secure’

It’s like the annual football rite of Lucy holding the football for Charlie Brown to kick then always moving it at the last second. Charlie Brown keeps on trying to kick it. The gang of eight has at least four morons, the Republicans who believe what the Democrats are saying.

November 7, 2011 09:03

If its this easy for drug smugglers what about terrorists?

Drug smugglers continue to cross the U.S./Mexico border in southern Arizona is this hidden camera video from SecureBorderIntel:

August 30, 2011 04:35

Labor Secretary makes deals with foreign nations to protect illegals in US

Hilda Solis has made deals with Mexico, Nicaragua, Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Dominican Republic that “removes” the fear of deportation of illegals.

June 13, 2011 07:14

Alabama now lead state in real immigration reform

Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, the leading expert in this area of law, observed that “Alabama is now the new No. 1 state for immigration enforcement.”

December 30, 2010 04:52

Volunteer border patrol

Arizona’s Lynn Kartchner is acting as one-man border patrol with his own truck, a super high powered light, night vision equipment and a 50 caliber. He monitors several ranches east of Douglas Arizona.

October 21, 2010 04:16

Evidence Surfaces of Mexican Drug Cartel Activities in the U.S.

The evidence disputes Napolitano’s assurances as recently as Oct. 18 that border enforcement is up and illegal immigration is down. Is her job defending the border or propagandizing for Obama?

October 11, 2010 07:40

‘Green’ red tape said to hinder Border Patrol

Environmental red tape has at times ensnared the U.S. Border Patrol’s efforts to gain control of parts of the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a draft government report that found agents sometimes take a back seat to protecting endangered species in the Southwest’s national parks and forests.