Post Tagged with: "illegal immigration"

May 6, 2013 07:49

Amnesty Bill is a Massive Multi-Million Dollar Fraud – Rubio Should Be Ashamed

“Illegal aliens will be rewarded for breaking laws for which American citizens are routinely punished,”

April 14, 2013 12:56

Illegal Alien Propaganda: A Critical Lesson in Terminology and Tactics

When dealing with Marxists, the “moderates” compromise away our rights, our livelihoods and our country to people and agendas that are inherently destructive to our society. This is a fight we cannot afford to lose. As Congress goes with amnesty, so goes the nation.

April 1, 2013 06:45

Hey–Where Did My Freedom Go?

About a third of Americans won’t be willingly sold into slavery. Another third will, perhaps out of ignorance, fear, ideology or even smug confidence that their own gang will be the ruling authorities, so what the heck. Another third of Americans wobble in the middle. In the heat of emotion, they’re all for the next government control.

April 1, 2013 05:17

Waaa, Waaa, Call the Waaambulance – Get Over It Already!

I sense an overall feeling of burnout and defeatism. I know it is there because I’ve struggled with it myself.

March 21, 2013 15:30

Rules for Addressing Amnesty

Amnesty advocates shrink from using the word amnesty and try hard to shroud their message in deceptive words. So let’s understand their vocabulary: reform, comprehensive, earned legal status, and path to citizenship are all code words for amnesty.

March 19, 2013 04:34

Real Goal of Immigration ‘Reform’ – 8 million Progressive voters

An SEIU officer explains why the union and the Democrat “progressives” want “comprehensive immigration reform” with a path to citizenship for twelve million illegals. At present ratios that will add eight million voters to the Democrat rolls which will be sufficient to swing many elections at local, state and national levels.

February 19, 2013 06:34

The “Gang of Eight” and Immigration Reform: “Bordering on a National Security Nightmare”

Every year the United States admits more than 1.1 million lawful immigrants. This is a greater number than all of the immigrants admitted into every other country on our planet.

February 5, 2013 04:59

Why Immigrate to the U.S.?

We now fear the police and our government just like immigrants feared the police in the totalitarian paradise they escaped from.

January 18, 2013 10:32

Obama Forms Propaganda Team from Campaign

Don’t like the president’s radical leftist policies? Get ready to be bombarded campaign style by the same people who ran Obama’s “facts don’t matter” campaign team. Joseph Goebbels, Nazi Minister of Propaganda would be proud. And we get to help pay for it! Formed as a non profit, donations to the group will be exempt from taxes so Obama’s rich Marxist friends won’t have to pay their fair share of taxes and U.S. taxpayers end up subsidizing their own destruction. More …

November 19, 2012 07:38

Maryland’s Endemic Corruption: An Object Lesson for the Nation

Because the radical left can rarely succeed with legitimate arguments for their policies, lawfare has become one of their favored tactics. – An exclusive report from Accuracy in Media