Post Tagged with: "illegals"

April 2, 2010 06:33

Janet Napolitano Lied, Rob Krentz Died

Mexican drug cartels, emboldened by the Mexican Army failure to control its border cities, and more recently emboldened by Obama’s talk of a new amnesty for illegals, have extended their reach into the U.S.

March 31, 2010 20:12

Border murder highlights Obama administration’s failure

The tragic murder of a Good Samaritan rancher in Arizona has people yelling for an effective response to this outrage.

March 26, 2010 20:57

Amnesty next to increase Democrat voter base?

The real push for ‘path to citizenship’ for illegals is to increase the Democrat voter rolls.

March 2, 2010 01:15

No finish in sight for ‘virtual’ border fence

A multibillion-dollar “virtual fence” along the southwestern border promised for completion in 2009 to protect the U.S. from terrorists, violent drug smugglers and a flood of illegal immigrants is a long way from becoming a reality, with government officials unable to say when, how or whether it will ever be completed.