Post Tagged with: "inflation"

August 17, 2012 14:57

Economic collapse is inevitable, here’s why…

The numbers don’t lie. At this point, the dollar crash is unavoidable… far from an exaggeration this is a mathematical certainty. As repelling as that sounds, it’s in your own best interest to learn just how bad the situation is. – Crisis HQ

August 13, 2012 06:16

Spike in Oil Prices on QE3 Expectations Should be a Warning to the Fed

The rise in Oil and Gas prices in the last month based on hopes that the Federal Reserve will boost asset prices some more should be the biggest warning sign that they need to stop this madness, and let the market down for a change.

August 3, 2012 15:13

Is the Inertia Greater Than the Momentum?

That’s the problem: a dysfunctional government made up of kleptomaniacs writing phony checks on the future and a population addicted to easy money and unfunded entitlements. What’s the solution?

July 26, 2012 19:41

Double dip recession looms as Europe tanks

Can we afford four more years of economic suicide? Of redistribution of wealth? Of an inexperienced community organizer? Of generational theft? Of record deficits and debt? Of campaign contributor payoffs in the billions of dollars? Of hiding documents on government murder and corruption? Of failed international leadership? Of dissing our allies and bowing to our enemies? Of $13 MILLION per green job programs? Of national security leaks for campaign imaging? Of ignoring the law and the will of the people? Four more years of a Marxist in the White House?

July 16, 2012 06:09

Rising prices to drag down economy

Funny how food and fuel are excluded from the inflation numbers. Consumers are getting hammered by the twin screws of inflation in food and fuel while deflation is driving down home prices and wages. Welcome to Jimmy Carter redux – stagflation. Can we afford four more years of economic suicide?

June 26, 2012 08:47

Politicians as Economic Arsonists

Allowing politicians to make economic policy decisions is akin to allowing arsonists to investigate fires or run fire departments.

June 26, 2012 06:28

Govt. still lying about inflation – really double digit

Every grocery shopper knows that inflation is eating up the budget. The government conveniently leaves out the two most important items to the consumer budget – food and fuel.

June 18, 2012 04:59

Not Worth a Continental

While running for office and telegraphing his distributive goals Mr. Obama said we need to spread the wealth around. Chairman Bernanke has said the government can produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at no cost. However, no matter what these two wannabe puppet masters may believe there is no free lunch.

June 11, 2012 04:27

Sen. Dirksen Left Vs Right in 1964

Note the warning from 1964 about Democrats being “prone to spend money .. when it’s rather doubtful whether or not it is good for the country and for the interests of the people. Because you pile up your national debt. You pile up the interest. You pile up these staggering deficits that we have at the present time. And that spends itself in terms of higher interest rates, higher prices in the stores where people shop. And so the evil effects always fall upon the people back home.”

May 31, 2012 05:46

Ten Ways The US Is Worse Than It Was In 1947

The US Government and the US dollar are in its death throes. There is really only one thing left that can be done to stave off the funeral for a few more years… and that is to begin to leach off of the citizenry until everyone is sucked dry. What’s that mean? Taxes, taxes, and more taxes. 2012 and 2013 will be remembered in the US as the years of the tax hike.