Post Tagged with: "Iran"

August 22, 2012 10:28

Middle East Nuclear Arms Race?

Thanks to Obama’s brilliant maneuvering with radical Islamists we now could be looking at a nuclear arms race in the Middle East. Iran will soon have nuclear weapons and has declared it wants to wipe Israel off the face of the earth and kill all infidels. Now a retired Egyptian General is calling for a nuclear equipped Egypt. Is there any other reason to drill baby drill and make the US independent of Middle East terrorist funding oil? Can we stand four more years of foreign policy incompetence?

July 6, 2012 17:51

Krauthammer: UN is “inherently corrupt” – “sandbox of dictators”

The UN has become anti-west, anti-American and anti-Semitic. Krauthammer explains how it is time to get US out of the UN and the UN out of the US. The latest scandal involves the UN allowing advanced technology from the U.S. to go to North Korea and Iran.

June 7, 2012 05:16

Obama Undermining Israel – historic destruction of US Israeli relations

Assisted by a biased media, Barack Obama has turned his back on more than six decades of American-Israeli friendship. This video, produced by Accuracy in Media, documents President Obama’s often hostile, one-sided pressure on Israel. It also shows how the President will do anything to ensure his own chances for re-election, even if it means allowing Iran to continue developing nuclear weapons while it plays a cynical game of stalling and deception.

May 25, 2012 04:35

Obama Doctrine: talk a lot, do nothing, walk away, declaring victory

Unlike Presidents Monroe, Truman, or Bush, Obama likes to use words dramatically but avoids being pinned down by them, never setting forth a clear national security or foreign policy doctrine other than to enunciate general principles.

May 3, 2012 08:26

Oil shock, Euro crash, U.S. fiscal cliff paint dark future says Dr. Doom

Nouriel Roubini who is famous for predicting the financial collapse which earned him the nickname “Dr. Doom” cited a Middle East conflagration oil crisis, “austerity fatigue” and “bailout fatigue” in Europe, and the “fiscal cliff” faced by the U.S. in a doom and gloom scenario.

April 18, 2012 09:46

Palin: Dear America, Our Orwellian President Fails on Energy

And what do we get in return on our investment in big government? Less energy security. Less allowance for resource development. More EPA regulations to de-industrialize our country and kill jobs. More opportunities shipped overseas as we allow others to produce for us that which our government refuses to allow us to produce for ourselves!

April 18, 2012 07:54

Are Oil Embargoes Hurting Iran or the US? Obama Blames Oil Manipulators; Who are the Real Manipulators?

Iran is on a course for its third largest oil-related earnings ever. Thus, the primary beneficiary of high oil prices is Iran. Rather than blame himself for the absurdity of the situation, president Obama blames oil speculators.

April 2, 2012 04:35

Obama administration trying to sabotage Israeli plans on attacking Iran?

Former Ambassador John Bolton tells Greta that the Obama administration is interfering with Israel in its plans to attack Iran’s nuclear facilities. Bolton also said “This sanctions policy by the administration is more blue smoke and mirrors than substance. I think president is more worried about the effect of the sanctions on gas prices at thew pump in America than he is about pressuring Iran. I think it’s his political future that’s most on top of his mind. I think actually he worries more about an Israeli strike than he does about Iran getting a nuclear weapon.”

March 21, 2012 04:28

“Destroy all the Churches”

It is the greatest folly to dismiss a call to “destroy all the churches” as just the uttering of some Muslim madman. The call lies at the very heart of Islam’s total contempt for any other faith—Christian, Jewish, Hindu, Buddhist, Bahai—and its determination to rule the whole of the world’s population through terror and intimidation.

March 15, 2012 06:24

Iran: We must destroy America

The head of Iran’s Basij paramilitary force says his country has no choice but to destroy America in order to build an ideal society. – The Daily Caller