Post Tagged with: "Islamic jihad"

October 9, 2012 06:54

Muslims Offended So Decorated Soldier’s Career Destroyed

When instructors are prohibited from teaching military officers about the true threat posed by Islamic Radicalism, it is a threat to our national security.

October 1, 2012 06:55

Muslim Violence is Our New Law

[N]ow our utopian lawyer-kings, our armies of bleeding-heart social justice activist, our legions of bureaucrats stamping their papers over our skulls, our grinning black-robed activist judges wielding their gavels like swords, are cringing in terror before a Muslim mob.

September 28, 2012 06:30

Obama’s Munich Moment

[T]he Obama administration must recognize, as the French and British did in 1939, that hurt Muslim feelings have no more to do with radical Islamic hatred of the United States than mythical complaints about Germans under foreign rule had for Hitler; both were merely pretexts, excuses for aggression that would have taken place anyway. It also means that anti-Americanism in the Islamic world is going to get worse, not better ….   By Marvin J. Folkertsma   In September 1938 […]

September 27, 2012 05:09

Can the Islamic Faith Tolerate Criticism?

Can Islam tolerate other religions? Can it assert its truth claims in a religiously diverse world without resorting to violence? Can it do battle in the marketplace of ideas using words as its weapons, risking the criticism of those who disagree with its claims? Are its truth claims powerful enough to prevail without resorting to the sword?

September 26, 2012 05:51

Arab Spring rapidly turning into Christian winter

The final death of Christianity in its Middle Eastern homelands seems increasingly possible within our lifetime.

September 25, 2012 06:21

Team Obama’s Mendacity

Will we really accede to this succession of big lies, with all that portends for our freedom of expression, our situational awareness of the jihadist threat and our ability to resist it? Not if we want to bequeath to our children the America we inherited.

September 20, 2012 06:45

Muslim Influence in Pentagon Prevails

The Pentagon has still apparently not learned from the politically correct policies that led to the Ft. Hood massacre.

September 18, 2012 07:59

Laughing in the face of Islamist death threats

“The left is increasingly bent on shutting down and shutting up freedom fighters, and yet there has been scarcely any discussion of this creeping fascism in the public sphere. We are relinquishing our most cherished freedoms, our unalienable rights, with nary a whimper.”

September 14, 2012 10:54

Americans Should Stop Being Surprised by Terrorism

Under Obama as well as his predecessors, and under Obama more than any of his predecessors to date, the American message to the terrorist Muslims in the Middle East who keep doing these things is, “We’re sorry. Please don’t hate us. We’re big bullies, and we know it.

September 13, 2012 05:29

Apologizing to Our Enemies

We must stop apologizing to our enemies and begin to punish them before they once again bring their war to our shores.